Our mission is to be the driving force in the global trade for sourcing of products from Asia. We work directly with the farmers in the African subcontinent and provide healthy food choices to the global market.

Our products are diligently sourced from the producers across the origins, custom processed to optimum standards at the specialized facilities of our partners throughout major producing areas.

Skytas takes pride in providing best quality control for product and processes, which reflects our commitment in trade across the globe. Our core products are naturally produced, low on water consumption, key to the development of rural economies in Africa.


The creation of Skytas was an expression of our strategic drive to move beyond its historical core business: the provision of Veterinary Medicine to Africa and export of raw materials from Africa. This has resulted in a truly international footprint, including activities in the Asian region and the African continent.

Skytas has been founded with the support of a well-resourced, very diverse and internationally active Group, which is keen to implement its strategy through companies that have similar focus and drive.


Prior to becoming part of SKYTAS. The commercial and management team has accumulated several years of industry knowledge in the West African markets, in several industry leading companies as well as sourcing countries. This has led to our being able to leverage the skills garnered through direct market interactions by forming client bases, clients partners and having industry experts as part of our Core strength. The future of a dynamic organisation as ours is indeed assured in the coming decades and for a long time to come in all our current and future ventures.


To understand more on our agriculture production, feed processing and products, contact with our business consultant and we will assist you further. Call us or fill up the form below.