It’s time to consider a global set of standards for planetary health and safety into our food systems for countries to enter trade markets.

Agriculture is the world’s largest industry. It employs more than one billion people and generates over $1.3 trillion dollars worth of food annually. Pasture and cropland occupy around 50 percent of the Earth’s habitable land and provide habitat and food for a multitude of species.

When agricultural operations are sustainably managed, they can preserve and restore critical habitats, help protect watersheds, and improve soil health and water quality. We at SKYTAS see global trade as a positive force to counter the requirements of customers across geographical boundaries. Our aim is to attend to the needs of our clients, partners and suppliers by acting as the fulcrum that connects the buyer to the producer, thereby fulfilling our role of forming global connections from Food to Feed.

SKYTAS: Towards a Sustainable Future:

There’s no way around it. Sustainability is an extremely urgent and universal concern. We can no longer put off our efforts to fight the climate crisis. The time to act is now.
SKYTAS has a pivotal role in enacting changes as we work across the supply chain from producers to final consumers across two vital segments: Human Health – Agriculture and Animal Health.

From Food and Feed :Our current food system has been shaped by decades of the “cheaper food” paradigm, aimed at producing more food, quickly and cheaply through increasing inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides, energy, land and water. This has been achieved without taking into account the hidden costs to biodiversity and its life-supporting services – and to our own health.

Our global food system is the primary driver of biodiversity loss, with agriculture alone being the identified threat to 24,000 of the 28,000 (86%) species at risk of extinction. The global rate of species extinction today is higher than the average rate over the past 10 million years.

Reforming the way we produce and consume food is an urgent priority – we need to change global dietary patterns, protect and set aside land for nature and farm in a more nature-friendly and biodiversity-supporting way.”

For businesses, the challenge of sustainable transformation is balancing the need to keep business in motion while making changes to reach your sustainability ambitions. It’s complex and sustainable doesn’t happen overnight. At SKYTAS, we are committed to building for a more sustainable future – together with our clients through taking many smaller steps, sometimes challenging and some into the unknown, to really take sustainability to the next level and beyond.

Retailers, food & beverage producers and consumers are increasingly demanding traceability information on product origins and sustainable production. They want a variety of questions answered, such as: does your supply chain have poor labour conditions at farms or processors sites? What are the carbon emissions of your products? Do any links exist with deforestation and if so, how can these be improved?

Skytas ethos lies in providing a sustainable means of Business while keeping environmental factors and planetary ethics at the core of their growth strategy. We aim at promoting the sustainable production of tropical commodities that effectively address the pace and scale of environmental and social change.

We work in variety of supply chains, such as tea, cacao, coffee, palm oil, soy, and on all continents.
Certification and sustainability programs can also take advantage of the strong technician-farmer information flows that characterize the coffee sector, as technicians can help farmers navigate complicated standards and auditing requirements.